Children Programs
Children's Home

Jyoti Jiwan, meaning “House of Light,” was created in 2003 during the Nepali civil war known as the Maoist Conflict. Now the home holds almost 20 children who’s relatives have abandoned them or are unable to care for them.
The children are provided with food, shelter, education, and mostly importantly, the Word of God.
Mark 10:14, ”Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Sponsor a Child
We currently have 6 unsponsored kids in our home. For only $50 a month, provide one of our children their daily needs. This includes school supplies, food, clothing, and any other basic needs.
About every year, a volunteer from our team travels to Nepal and hand carries letters written by each child. These letters are sent to sponsors to encourage them to pray for the kids.
Jyoti Niwas "house of Light" orphanage - sponsor a child to provide daily needs, school, school supplies, medical care, and all needs in our home for $50 a month Jyoti Jiwan community children's program provide schooling, support and school supplies to single-parent and orphaned children in their community for $10 a month.

Success Stories
Suman came to the orphanage with his sister at the age of 7. He is now a certified medical assist working on the Health H.E.L.P. Team and leads the smokeless stove project within remote village.
Ram and his twin brother came to the orphanage when they were about 7 years old after the death of their mother. He was sponsored for theology training and is now serving as a pastor in Nepal.
Asmita came to the orphanage after her mother died. After completing high school, she was sponsored to attend nursing school. She is now serving the Lord as an orthopedic nurse.
Community Child Sponsorship

Jyoti Jiwan or “Light of Life” is a community program that provides school supplies and one meal a day for underprivileged children. Leaders within the community, both from the church and government, identify the most needy children within each district. Aided by pastors and volunteer church members, the children are given school supplies and fitted for school uniforms before every school year.
We serve not only children of church members, but also children from families with other religious backgrounds. This enables us to spread the love of Christ throughout the entire community.
Galatians 6:10, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
The Process

Many children walk as far as 11 kilometers (7 miles) in order to attend the annual Children’s Program. More than often, the program is held within the local church and run by church leaders.
Have Fun

The kids are provided with colors and games while they wait for the main event. This may not seem like a big deal, but many are unable to afford coloring books and pencils of their own.
Pack the Backpacks

School supplies are transported from Khatmandu by car into remote villages. Each backpack is packed by church volunteers with notebooks, pencils, mosquito net, and other supplies.
The Main Event

Government officials attend, speeches are made, and the backpacks are handed to each child. This is a beautiful representation of how the church and its members can still be involved in the community.
Snack Time

“Snack time” in Nepal basically means lunch. For most of the children, this is probably their first meal of the day.
Saying Goodbye

H.E.L.P.’s involvement in these children’s lives does not end with a backpack. Group Representatives within the community constantly check on each child’s academics, home life, and spiritual life.
Group Sponsorship
Do you have a bible study group, friends, or church that wants to sponsor a specific community children’s program? For $100 a month, you sponsor 10 children and make a difference in these children’s lives.